6 nice plates of survey instruments on heavy page stock from this 19th century survey report:

  1. Models of Tower and Tripod Signals
  2. Reconnaissance Telescope and Heliotrope
  3. Twelve Inch Direction Theodolite
  4. Twelve Inch Theodolite Arranged for Night Work, including lams, striding level and vertical circle
  5. Eight Inch Repeating Theodolite with Vertical Circle and Short Telescope, arranged for measuring zenith distances
  6. Eight Inch Repeating Theodolite with Large Telescope, as used in measuring horizontal angles

Title: The Final Results of the Triangulation of the New York State Survey, Together with a Description of the Methods Employed
Author: Commissioners of the State Survey
Publisher: Weed, Parsons and Company, Printers
Albany, 1887

Triangulation Survey Instruments
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