Home » » Instruments – Varia Lot 7 Instruments – Varia Lot 7 Instruments - Varia Lot 7 Search This Gallery A Player on the Harp "Dulcimer" or Bagpipe Ancient Tortoise Lyres Ancient Sistrums Apollo with Lyre Cornets Assyrian Harps Ancient Lyres Double-F;ute-players Egyptian Harp Egyptian Lyres Egyptian Harp Egyptian playing upon the Harp Egyptian Harp Egyptian Trumpeter Grecian Double-Flutes and Players Greek Trumpeter Egyptian Instrument, Grecian Trigonim Muse with a Lyre Modern Egyptian Flute-player Muse with an early Form of Lyre Musical instruments from Herulaneum Playing and tuning Lyres Oriental Instruments of he Drum kind Instrument and Piectrum Roman Trumpeter Roman Trumpet Tambourine-players Square Lyres Ancient Cymbals Trumpet, or Funeral Pipe